Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Skeleton Review with Partner "Box" Quiz #1 - 20

FLASH Card Review - muscles and bones

Corrected Ex. 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 multiple choice

Crossword 2.6 skeleton and showed online crosswords

Went over test outline.

Unit Test Tomorrow

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sarcomere Revisited, Sliding Filament and Review

Labelled the parts of a Sarcomere, including A Band, I Band and H Zone (band).

Reviewed Sliding Filament Theory in Groups

Watched 2 animations

Review for Thursday's Test - Ex. 1.1, 2.1, 3.1.....multiple choice and short answers.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sliding Filament Theory

Reviewed Major Muscles with Muscle Man Handout and Legend

Antagonistic Pairs of Muscles - agonist and antagonist in Workbook Ex 3.3

Sliding Filament Theory (Excitation-Contraction Coupling) in Workbook Ex 3.16 - completed as a class

Muscle Quiz - Friday September 25th

Terry Fox Assembly

Muscle Quiz

Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Muscles

Warm Up - naming muscles on body building pictures

Reviewed names of major muscles at the following link:

Assigned remainder of origins and insertions in Workbook pages 57 - 64

Quiz Tomorrow - Open Workbook

Naming Muscles Wed Sept 23

Naming Muscles - Note PPT

Labelled Muscle Men in workbook

Started Colouring specific muscles and identifying origin/insertion and function

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle

Read pages 33 - 37 and added key terms into workbook up to "Sarcomere"

All or None Principle and how motor units are used to vary the amount of Force Muscles Produce

NeuorMuscular Junction - labelled in workbook Ex 3.5 left diagram

Anatomy of Muscle from Large to Small - labelled Ex 3.4 upper left diagram

Connective Tissue (endomysium, perimysium and epimysium)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Section 3 Muscular System

Collected Skeletal Landmark and Section 2 Mix and Match

Video Clip - The Incredible Human Machine

NOTE: Muscle Functions, Types of Muscle and Motor Unit

Read pages 33 - 36 and define Key Terms in workbook

Friday September 17 Work Period

Completed Skeleton Landmark Lab - DUE MONDAY

Section 2 MIX and MATCH and FILL in the BLANK also due Monday

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Skeletal Landmark Lab

Quiz - Major Bones of the Skeleton

PPT Note - bone remodelling, bone growth and fractures

Started Skeletal Landmark Lab

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Skeleton in More Details

Review envelopes Language of Anatomy

Bone Formation and Remodelling - PPT (viewer problems do tomorrow).

Workbook Labelling on Skeletal Landmarks on specific bones

Quiz - skeleton major bones
Tshirts and Shorts tomorrow - landmark lab

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Skeleton Major Bones

Corrected Ex 2.3 and 2.4 in Workbook

PowerPoint Note: Functions of Skeleton, Axial vs Appendicular, Anatomy of a Long Bone

Labelled Full Skeleton in Workbook with major bones and reviewed on Skeletor

HMWK: finish off terms from page 20 in Workbook.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Section 2 Skeletal System

Discussed South African Sprinter

Read pages 9 - 12 and added KEY TERMS to Workbook Ex. 2.2

PowerPoint NOTE: Language of Anatomy

Assigned Ex. 2.3 and 2.4 (Body's 5 types of bone)

Returned Section 1 Quiz

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quiz #1 Friday September 11

Corrected exercise 1.4 and yesterday's worksheet on Directions, Planes and Movements

Quiz #1 Mix and Match/Fill in the Blank for Section 1 and correction

Assigned Online Quiz #1 and Bell Ringer for Section 1 before Monday.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Online Quizzes, Bellringers and Crosswords

Bookmark the following website as we will be using it throughout the semester.

Before Monday September 14

Complete the Section 1 Student Quiz and email your result to

Complete the Bell Ringer (right hand side) and email your result to

Anatomical Directions and Movements

Corrected Ex. 1.3 in Workbook

Completed PPT note on Anatomical Directions and Movements

Add elevation/depression, superficial/deep, inversion, eversion from textbook to notes

HMWK: Planes, Directions and Movements Worksheet plus exercise 1.4 in W.B.

Quiz Tomorrow - Ex. 1.1 in WB for preparation

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Anatomical Position, Planes and Axes

Passed out "Eye Opener" Assignment - choose 3 dates and resubmit your paper as soon as possible....check out as a valuable resource for anatomy.

PowerPoint Section 1 Anatomical Position, Planes and Axes

Assigned Textbook Reading pages 2 - 6 and workbook Exercise 1.3


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