Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Sliding Filament Theory Jigsaw

Reviewing Sections 1 to 3
Review Sheets

Skeletal Landmark Review PowerPoint

OUTLINE will be similar to

25 multiple choice
10 true false/correct the false
15 - 20 short answers
10 - 15 diagrams - planes/axis/skeleton/muscles

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sliding Filament Theory

At the end of today, you should know
1. the names of the "players" involved in the sliding filament theory.
ie actin, myosin, tropomyosin, troponin, ATP, Calcium
2. the order of events that takes place during a single cross-bridge cycle.
3. how to draw and label a sarcomere

Review Sarcomeres
Discuss Motor Units and all or none principle
Lesson on Sliding Filament theory

UNIT TEST THURSDAY - Sections 1 to 3

Friday, September 23, 2011

Section 3 Textbook Questions Friday

I'm absent for football.

Complete yesterday's online muscle review and email results.

Answer the following questions using your textbook.

Section 3 Text Questions

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Muscle Structure

Hand in Homework: Origins and Insertions

Note: Muscle Structure

Anatomy Arcade

Surprise Quiz

Online Muscle Review - you will be given a chance to email your results
upon completition of the review - You have 17 seconds to type the name of
the muscle and SPELLING COUNTS. You will not have time to use your textbook!!

Muscle Structure


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Origins, Insertions and Actions

Corrected Muscle Man Diagram
Discussed first "issue" ~ Louis Riel Soccer Team at OFSAA
Origins/Insertions and actions using

Cut and Paste Skeleton handed in

Monday, September 19, 2011

Skeletal Landmarks

Learning Outcome
- learn the location of skeletal landmarks on the skeleton
- be able to identify landmarks on a skeleton and picture

Completed Skeletal Landmark Assignemnt - due tomorrow

Cut'n Paste Skeleton - due Wednesday

Start Reading Section 3 Muscular System p. 32 - 37

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday - Work Time Skeletal Landmark Assignment

I'm away today for Football - NO Class Today.

Use this time to work on your skeletal landmark assignment
from yesterday.

Remember, numbers on the Bone Box Website can be clicked
to view the name of the landmark.

Next Week Muscular System - you can start to read pages 33 - 37 if you would
like to read ahead.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quiz and Skeletal Landmarks

Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize the different types of skeletal landmarks
2. Be able to locate and identify skeletal landmarks on the skeleton.

Quiz #2 Skeletal System - Online Quiz

Note: Skeletal Landmarks

Skeletal Landmark Assignment - using diagrams, textbook,
Mr. Bones and the Bone Box Website

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Skeletal System

PowerPoint Note - Skeletal System

Label Skull and Vertebral Column

Section 2 Mix and Match

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello Mr. Bones

Corrected Regions of the Body from homework

Introduced Mr. Bones and discussed Axial vs Appendicular Skeleton and reviewed
names of bones

Body's Key Bones Partner Exercise

Quiz on Friday - Skeletal System


Friday, September 9, 2011

Anatomical Movements and Quiz #1

Reviewed Movements from Ex 1.4
Completed Section 1 Mix n Match/Fill in the Blank
Quiz #1

Monday - I'm at a meeting

Watch Introduction to the Skeletal System

Complete Body Regions Worksheet using the internet
Complete exercise 2.3 and 2.4 (anterior skeleton)

All labelling is due on Tuesday

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Anatomical Movements

Corrected Homework
Reviewed Planes
Planes, Axes and Movements Video
PowerPoint Note on Axes and Movements
Homework --> use the text to label Ex. 1.4 and add additional movements
to your notes

QUIZ Tomorrow

Principles and Terminology

Wednesday Sept. 7th

Assigned pages 2 - 6 to read
PowerPoint - Anatomical Position, Directional Terms and Anatomical Planes
Homework: Colour Anatomical Model on the front and complete the questions of the back.

Be ready for a possible quiz on Friday

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back

Day One Activities

Course Outline
Textbook Issued
Textbook Scavenger Hunt
Sports Quiz (for fun not marks!)....WINNER - Matt Nelson

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