Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Smoothie Championship Results

Strawberry Banana Bonanza
2nd Place Overall

The Energizer

The Tornado
Voted Most Nutritious Smoothie
Voted Best Marketed Smoothie

The Berry Best

Paradise Paparazzi

Chocolate Charger
Voted Best Tasting Smoothie
Voted Best Smoothie Name
Top Overall Smoothie

Smoothie Championship Results

"Paradise Paparazzi"


"The Tornado"
Most Nutritious Smoothie
Best Marketed Smoothie

"The Berry Best"

"The Energizer"

Strawberry Banana Bonanza

Chocolate Charger
"Best Tasting"
" Best Name"

Congratulations to the Overall Smoothie Champs
"Chocolate Charger"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Performance Enhancing Techniques

Monday - work time to prepare for Tuesday group sharing

Tuesday - group sharing of performance enhancing techniques.

For Friday,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Smoothie Prep and Performance Enhancing Techniques

Work time for Smoothie Lab which is tomorrow!

Handed out Performance Enhancing Techniques used by Athlets Assignment
and assigned topics for each small group.

List of ingredients is due tomorrow, while the brochure and food label
are due on Monday.

Nutrition and Performance


PowerPoint on Nutrition and Performance. (Link to come)

Work time to complete Section 10 Fill in the Blank,
which is due on Thursday.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Smoothie Lab

Collected summaries from Sugar: The Bitter Truth and the Paleo Diet Pt 1 & 2

Handed out Smoothie Lab Assignment

Organization time to prepare for Friday.

Class will be in room 201 all week.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday December 12th

NO CLASS Monday, however your work is below:

Complete Notes on Sugar the Bitter Truth for tomorrow (TUESDAY)

Watch the following videos and summarize after viewing.

Paleo in a Nutshell Pt 1

Watch the video and then summarize the presentation in your own words.

Paleo in a Nutshell Pt 2

Watch the video and then summarize the presentation in your own words.

If you want to work ahead, complete Section 10 mix n match

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Nutrition Quiz

Collected Part two of ISU on Friday and started watching the following lecure:

Note this is and updated version of the lecture with better video. Complete the note
for Tuesday next week.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth Summary Notes

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Independent Study ~ Biomechanics Help

Here are a couple of suggestions for the biomechanics part of your ISU

Full motion analysis means break down your skill into small parts and look at the key components to executing your skill....this would include things to "look for" when observing an athlete eg. golf swing - feet and shoulders parallel to target or in the free throw, shooting arm straight

Look at the 7 biomechanical principles p. 231) in your textbook and decide which ones are important to your chosen skill (and discuss how each one applies)....for example Principle 2 applies to a sport which needs maximum force smashing a badminton birdie.....all joints that can be used (hips, knees, ankles, toes, shoulders) must be used to maximize force and thus speed of the racquet.

You could always upload a video to youtube and then make annotations (speech bubbles or notes) to explain your skill.

Here's a video analysis from a student in this course
from a different school.....she starts with 5 phases of a sport skill
and then the biomechanical principles start 2 or 3 minutes in

should give you a good idea.....(minus the

BTW, you can post questions as comments on this blog (under any post).

Fueling the Body

Watched the DVD "Fueling the Body" and completed
questions during the DVD.

Discussed the use of drugs in sport ie steroids and drug testing.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Discussed BMI and it's limitations

Discussed RMR and Daily Caloric Need

Note: Nutrition and Performance

Carbohydrates and GI Index

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

General Nutrition Macronutrients and Ancel Keys

Macronutrients Presentation and Reading on Ancel Keys and Lipid Hypothesis

Article Summary for Ancel Keys article and Section 10 Textbook Questions due Tuesday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

General Nutrition Questions

Shortened Period due to course option walkabout

~ students present were assigned section 10 textbook questions.

These questions are due Tuesday at the START of class.

Monday is a Prezi presentation. Do you know who Ancel Keys is yet?

ISU Part 2 is due one week from today!!

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