Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Naming Muscles

Completed PPT Note on how we name muscles.

Reviewed major muscle names from muscle man diagram.

Work time in preparation for OIA presentations tomorrow.

Origins Insertion and Actions

Discussed OFSAA ruling on girls playing on boys sports teams.
See Toronto Star.

Passed out the Origin, Insertion and Actions Assignment to rest of class
and assigned Thursday as the due date. OLP students will present when they return
to class next Monday/

Class worked on this assignment for the last half class.

Get Body Smart is a great resource for preparing for your presentation.

Friday February 24th

Passed out Origin, Insertion and Action Partner Assignment
to the people that were there.

Thursday February 23rd

Skeletal Landmark Quiz with and without word bank

Started the Muscular System - section 3

Types of Muscle PPT
and labelled muscle man diagram

Skeletal Landmarks Assignment

Wednesday February 22nd

Completed Skeletal Landmark Assignment and
reviewed important landmarks for Thursday's Quiz.

Assigned Section 3 Skeletal System Wrap-Up Questions.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Section 2 Quiz - Friday February 17th

Shortened Class today due to High School Hockey Fundraiser.

Section 2 Skeletal System Quiz.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Thursday February 16, 2012

Go to this website and complete the bell ringers at the bottom of this blog entry. This is the textbook support webpage. You may be asked to provide a login which is below:

The login details to access the website are:

Username: studentES
Password: exsci1234

BEFORE FRIDAY, complete the following bell ringers:

When you are finished, email your results to This is how I know you've completed each bell ringer quiz.

Skeletal System Bell Ringer - Complete before Friday. Spelling counts!

Review of Anatomical Movements Complete before Friday. Spelling counts!

If you have any problems email me at

Complete Section 2 Mix/Match and Fill in the Blank. Remember quiz on Friday on the Skeletal System

The Body's Key Bones

Collected Time Mangement Assignment and Cut and Paste Skeleton.

We used the Body's Key Bones handouts to cut and tape key bones
on our partners.

Assigned Section 2 Mix and Match and Fill in the Blank.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Skeleton PPT

Reviewed functions of the skeleton
5 types of bone
anatomy of a long bone
axial vs appendicular skeleton
major bones on "Mr. Bones"

Labelled Skull, Rib Cage/Thoracic Region and verterbral column

DUE TOMORROW: Time Mananagement Assignment
Cut and Paste Skeleton labelled and glued

Thursday/Friday - Skeletal System Quiz

Review Your Skeleton knowledge here:

Anatomy Arcade - try whack a bone or match a bone


Skeleton Quiz

Monday, February 13, 2012

Quiz #1 and Main Skeleton

Quiz #1 on Planes, axes, directions and movements

Collected Friday's assignment ie answers to video questions.

Assigned labelling of main skeleton and cut and paste skeleton.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Skeletal System

Watch the following video and answer the questions below for Friday:

ANSWER the following questions:

1. What are the main functions of the skeletal system?
2. How many bones are in an adult skeleton?
3. Name and give an example of the 4 basic shapes of bone.
4a) Name and briefly explain the difference between compact and cancellous bone.
b) Which type do we find in the diaphysis and the epiphyses?
5. Where do we find periosteum?
6a) Where do we find bone marrow?
b) What important functions does bone marrow provide?
7. Describe the two main divisions of the skeleton, the number of bones in each.
8. Which bones make up the shoulder girlde?
9. How is the male pelvis different from the female pelvis?
10. Which bone is the largest/strongest in the human body?
11. How much does the skeleton of an average adult weigh?

Review work for quiz on Anatomical Planes, directions and terms - Click on Anatomical Directions course.

Review body regions need to register first (about 1 minute).

There are lots of interactive review/quiz type activities here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Anatomical Movements and Directions

Homework for Thursday: Complete Section 1 Mix and Match/Fill in the Blank

Completed PowerPoint Note from yesterday.....see below for link.

You should now know:
Anatomical Position
3 Main Planes and Axes that are associated with each plane
Directional Terms
Anatomical Movements.

See videos below for a nice review supplement to class work.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Section 1 Anatomy

Passed out Time Management Assignment - DUE TUESDAY FEB. 14th

Section 1 - Anatomical Position, Planes, Axes and Directional Terms

Completed Exercise 1.3 and coloured planes and axis diagram.

Assigned # 1- 10 on planes, actions worksheet.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to Exercise Science

Check here regularly for a summary of daily work, homework assignments, supplemental review, video links, marks etc etc. Basically, this is our virtual classroom when you are not in room 234.

This Blog is searchable and there is an archive on the left hand page if you need to look for old posts.

At the start of each week (Sunday or Monday), I will post a required reading from your textbook or other sources. This is necessary background reading to help you with the concepts we learn in class.

February 6 to 10th
Read pages 2 to 6

Time Management Assignment handed out and due next Tuesday!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Final Marks

Your ISU's and exams are graded.

ISU Average was 66%

Exam Average was 72%

Enjoy your mini-break.

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