Friday, March 30, 2012

Review Videos

Knee Review

Shoulder Review

Ankle Review

Ankle and Foot Injuries

Wednesday - ISU Work Period

Warm Up - Knee Injury Review - labelling diagrams of knee injuries

NOTE: Ankle Injuries

Ankle Taping Practise


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ISU and Knee Injuries

Passed out your Independent Study/Culminating Task and selected topics (sports) and due dates.

Remember "it's far easier to keep up than to catch up"

PowerPoint Note on Knee Injuries with notes (slide handout provided)

Monday - Playing with Pain DVD

Watched the video "Playing with Pain" and completed questions.

Assigned the last 7 questions from Section 4 in the textbook.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly Summary March 19 to 23rd

Monday - Review Muscular/Skeletal System for Test Tomorrow

Tuesday - TEST - sections 1 to 3

Wednesday - Section 4 Joints and Joint Injuries - PPT Note on Joint Classification

Thursday - Sprains, Strains, how injuries occur, acute vs chronic injuries

Friday - Shoulder Injuries and Shoulder Surgery plus ACL reconstruction video

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sliding Filament Theory and Swoosh: Inside Nike

Assigned Sliding Filament Theory Questions due Monday following the break.

You are using Interactive Physiology to complete the questions. If the link does
not work, use the link on the left hand side at the top of the blog.

Sarcomere Animation - this may also help your understanding.

We will be looking at this Monday before your unit test on Tuesday March 21st.

The remainder of the period we watched SWOOSH: Inside Nike and completed the questions.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Structure of Skeletal Muscle and Connective Tissue

Warm Up - Muscles and Actions Worksheet

PowerPoint Note and discussion on Muscle, fascicles, muscle cells, myofibrils and sarcomeres

Tomorrow: Motor Units and Neuromuscular Junctions

Great Website worth bookmarking for this topic:

Interactive Physiology

If you have problems, try this and then update your browser plugins

Monday March 5th

Completed OIA presentations.

Assigned colouring of all muscles from presentations and questions #1 - 4
from the Section 3 textbook questions.

Origin Insertion Action Presentations

Thursday we were snowed out so presentations took place on Friday
except for OLP students who were absent.

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