Friday, February 10, 2012

Skeletal System

Watch the following video and answer the questions below for Friday:

ANSWER the following questions:

1. What are the main functions of the skeletal system?
2. How many bones are in an adult skeleton?
3. Name and give an example of the 4 basic shapes of bone.
4a) Name and briefly explain the difference between compact and cancellous bone.
b) Which type do we find in the diaphysis and the epiphyses?
5. Where do we find periosteum?
6a) Where do we find bone marrow?
b) What important functions does bone marrow provide?
7. Describe the two main divisions of the skeleton, the number of bones in each.
8. Which bones make up the shoulder girlde?
9. How is the male pelvis different from the female pelvis?
10. Which bone is the largest/strongest in the human body?
11. How much does the skeleton of an average adult weigh?

Review work for quiz on Anatomical Planes, directions and terms - Click on Anatomical Directions course.

Review body regions need to register first (about 1 minute).

There are lots of interactive review/quiz type activities here.

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