Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Smoothie Championship Results

Strawberry Banana Bonanza
2nd Place Overall

The Energizer

The Tornado
Voted Most Nutritious Smoothie
Voted Best Marketed Smoothie

The Berry Best

Paradise Paparazzi

Chocolate Charger
Voted Best Tasting Smoothie
Voted Best Smoothie Name
Top Overall Smoothie

Smoothie Championship Results

"Paradise Paparazzi"


"The Tornado"
Most Nutritious Smoothie
Best Marketed Smoothie

"The Berry Best"

"The Energizer"

Strawberry Banana Bonanza

Chocolate Charger
"Best Tasting"
" Best Name"

Congratulations to the Overall Smoothie Champs
"Chocolate Charger"

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Performance Enhancing Techniques

Monday - work time to prepare for Tuesday group sharing

Tuesday - group sharing of performance enhancing techniques.

For Friday,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Smoothie Prep and Performance Enhancing Techniques

Work time for Smoothie Lab which is tomorrow!

Handed out Performance Enhancing Techniques used by Athlets Assignment
and assigned topics for each small group.

List of ingredients is due tomorrow, while the brochure and food label
are due on Monday.

Nutrition and Performance


PowerPoint on Nutrition and Performance. (Link to come)

Work time to complete Section 10 Fill in the Blank,
which is due on Thursday.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Smoothie Lab

Collected summaries from Sugar: The Bitter Truth and the Paleo Diet Pt 1 & 2

Handed out Smoothie Lab Assignment

Organization time to prepare for Friday.

Class will be in room 201 all week.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Monday December 12th

NO CLASS Monday, however your work is below:

Complete Notes on Sugar the Bitter Truth for tomorrow (TUESDAY)

Watch the following videos and summarize after viewing.

Paleo in a Nutshell Pt 1

Watch the video and then summarize the presentation in your own words.

Paleo in a Nutshell Pt 2

Watch the video and then summarize the presentation in your own words.

If you want to work ahead, complete Section 10 mix n match

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Nutrition Quiz

Collected Part two of ISU on Friday and started watching the following lecure:

Note this is and updated version of the lecture with better video. Complete the note
for Tuesday next week.

Sugar: The Bitter Truth Summary Notes

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Independent Study ~ Biomechanics Help

Here are a couple of suggestions for the biomechanics part of your ISU

Full motion analysis means break down your skill into small parts and look at the key components to executing your skill....this would include things to "look for" when observing an athlete eg. golf swing - feet and shoulders parallel to target or in the free throw, shooting arm straight

Look at the 7 biomechanical principles p. 231) in your textbook and decide which ones are important to your chosen skill (and discuss how each one applies)....for example Principle 2 applies to a sport which needs maximum force smashing a badminton birdie.....all joints that can be used (hips, knees, ankles, toes, shoulders) must be used to maximize force and thus speed of the racquet.

You could always upload a video to youtube and then make annotations (speech bubbles or notes) to explain your skill.

Here's a video analysis from a student in this course
from a different school.....she starts with 5 phases of a sport skill
and then the biomechanical principles start 2 or 3 minutes in

should give you a good idea.....(minus the

BTW, you can post questions as comments on this blog (under any post).

Fueling the Body

Watched the DVD "Fueling the Body" and completed
questions during the DVD.

Discussed the use of drugs in sport ie steroids and drug testing.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Discussed BMI and it's limitations

Discussed RMR and Daily Caloric Need

Note: Nutrition and Performance

Carbohydrates and GI Index

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

General Nutrition Macronutrients and Ancel Keys

Macronutrients Presentation and Reading on Ancel Keys and Lipid Hypothesis

Article Summary for Ancel Keys article and Section 10 Textbook Questions due Tuesday.

Friday, December 2, 2011

General Nutrition Questions

Shortened Period due to course option walkabout

~ students present were assigned section 10 textbook questions.

These questions are due Tuesday at the START of class.

Monday is a Prezi presentation. Do you know who Ancel Keys is yet?

ISU Part 2 is due one week from today!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Remind 101

If you would like to receive reminders about important course information, follow the steps below: Remind101 is a safe way for teachers and students to interact without sharing their actual cell phone numbers. To get more information click here.

1. Send a text message to
(281) 978-4812
2. With the message @exercise4u
3. Press send

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Completed Documentary and Summary Assignment.

Discussed major points from the film:

- vegetables/fruit are micronutrient-dense
- people in the documentary went from 5% vegetable/fruit calories to 100%
- massive amounts of weight can be lost by replacing processed, refined carbohydrates with vegtables and fruit
- this diet change also eliminated autoimmune diseases and allowed them
to stop taking medications

Visited and experiemented with food and nutrition calculator
to analyze diet.


Discussed concussions workshop from Friday

Watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and started
the Documentary Summary

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Macronutrients and Micronutrients BB Note

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead Docmentary

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Learning Outcomes:

What is a concussion?
What are the signs and symptoms of a concussion?
What are post-concussion symptoms?
What is the 6 Step Return to Play Protocol?
What is S.I.S. and what age group is most vulnerable?

Concussion Presentation

Tuesday - Section 7 Test Cardiovascular

Unit Test - Section 7

Monday, November 21, 2011

CardioRespiratory Review

Collected Concussion Article Summary

Collected Section 6 Questions

Reviewed CardioRespiratory System - Fill in the Blanks


Friday, November 18, 2011

Nervous System

PowerPoint Note on Nervous System

Assigned reading Concussions: The Untold Story and article summary for Monday.
and completing an Article Summary.


Section 6 Text Questons DUE
Article Summary for Concussions DUE

NEXT TUESDAY: CardioRespiratory Test ~ Section 7

Thursday Nervous System

Work Period

CV Lab
Nervous System Text Questions

Unit Test ~ Sections 4 and 5

TEST Today (Wednesday)

Start Reading Section 6 and/or complete CardioVascular Lab
for Friday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

VO2 Max Lab

Collected Respiratory Textbook Questions which
were due on Friday.

Last opportunity for the CV Lab (VO2 max Beep Test)

Unit Test Wednesday - Sections 4 and 5

Section 7 Mix n Match/Fill in the Blank due TOMORROW (Tuesdsay)

Friday, November 4, 2011


ISU work time today.

Monday, October 31, 2011

CV System

Read and summarized Kenyan Long Distance Runners Article p. 91

Discussed the importance of genetics on performnace - 100m sprint and number of sub-10 second times.

CV System Note

Muscle Fiber Questions due Tuesday

Marks as of today

A good read on Sleep and How little we can get away with

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday October 28th

ISU Part One Due

Holocaust Speaker

Thursday October 26th

Muscular Fatigue Lab Due

Path of Blood to working muscles - ISU Unit One - question 4

Muscle Fiber Type Questions Due Monday

ISU Part One Due tomorrow

Wednesday Oct 26th Quiz

Quiz: Energy Systems

Collected Textbook Questions- section 5

ISU/Muscular Fatigue Lab

Tuesday October 25th Textbook Questions Due

Section 5 Textbook questions due

Girls Rugby and Field Hockey Kawartha

Work Time ISU/Muscular Fatigue Lab

Muscle Fiber Type Questions assigned.

Quiz tomorrow - Energy Systems

Monday, October 24, 2011

Muscle Fatigue Lab

Completed Energy Systems Note ~ Aerobic Energy Production

Muscle Fatigue Lab - Ouch! Forearm muscles put to the test!

Tuesday - Section 5 Textbook questions due

Wednesday - Quiz on Energy Systems

Thursday - Muscular Fatigue Lab Due

Friday - ISU Part One - First Due Date

Friday, October 21, 2011

ISU Period

Football Game today

ISU Work Period - Part One Rough Copy due next Friday

Anaerobic Lactic Acid System

Continued Note on Energy Systems - Anaerobic Lactic System

Assigned questions from Textbook on Lactic Acid System

Watched Video: Peak Performance Series: Genes and Performance and answered questions

Energy Systems Section 5


PPT NOTE on Energy Systems - ATP-PC System

Assigned Textbook quesions for homework - first two sections

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tommy John Surgery and Youth Baseball

Read article from Sports Illustrated on increase in the number of
young athletes experiencing overuse injuries.

Why is there an increase?

What is being done to help imporve the situation?

Watched HBO Real Sport Segment on Tommy John Surgery with focus on the
number of young pitchers who are requiring the procedure.

Tommy John Surgery

Why are more young pitchers requiring surgery?
What's being done in youth baseball leagues to solve this problem?

Watched this video on rotator cuff and discussed the four S.I.T.S. muscles that mske up the rotator cuff.

Monday, October 17, 2011

ISU Period

Independent Study Period - First Due Date is October 28th - one week from Friday

Tomorrow: Tommy John Surgery

If you would like to work ahead, we will be starting Section 5 on Wednesday/Thursday

Section 5 Textbook Questions

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sprains, Strains and Ankle Taping

Collected Tuesday's work - mix'n match/fill in blank plus textbook questions.

NOTES on Sprains, Stains, and 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree grades.

Discussed "unhappy triad" in the knee ie ACL, MCL and medial meniscus

Ankle Sprains - anterior talofibular ligament, inversion sprain

Ankle Taping and practise taping on a partner.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Report Cards and ISU Time

Report Cards will be handed out today and you will
submit your questions and mix'n match from Tuesday.

Today is ISU work period - I am at football.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Terry Fox Run

NO Class today due to the Terry Fox Run

Be prepared to hand in work from Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shoulder, Knee and Ankle Inuries

FOR TUESDAY, during class (due on Wednesday).

Read pages 72 - 79

Watch the following videos:

The Knee

Shoulder Anatomy

Shoulder Anatomy and Injuries

Shoulder Separation vs Dislocation
Shoulder Separation
LABEL Ex. 4.4 The Shoulder and the Knee

1. What does the term vascularity mean?
2. Explain the meaning of the acronm S.H.A.R.P. as it applies to injuries
3. Explain shin splints and some of the factors that may cause shin splints.
4. What is the P.I.E.R. Principle and when is it used?
5. Typically, which structures in the knee are involved when the knee is hit from the lateral (outside)?
6. What is the Q-angle and how does it affect ACL tears?
7. Explain the difference betwwen an inversion sprain and an eversion sprain.

Complete Section 4 Mix and Match and Fill in the Blank, using your textbook.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am absent - ISU Work Time - Part 1 is due on October 28th

ISU and Arthroscopic Surgery

Picked Sports for ISU and first due date: Oct. 28th

Technical problems: did not finish note on Sprain/Strains

Watched arthroscopic surgery: ACL replacement with questions.

Click here for ISU

NO CLASSS TOMORROW: ISU TIME - please use your time

Knee Injuries and Grading Sprains/Strains

Label Knee and structures
Grading 1st to 3rd degree sprains/strains
ARthroscopic Surgery
ACL Replacement

Tuesday: Joints and Sports Injuries PowerPoint

3 Classiffications of Joints
6 types of synovial joints
Why the need for Sports Medicine
3 Ways injuries occur

Monday, October 3, 2011

TEST and Section 4 Joints and Injuries

Read pages 69 to 73

Answer the following questions:
1. Name and briefly describe the 3 classes of joints in the human body.
2. Name and give examples of the 6 types of synovial joints.
3. Explain the difference between tendons and ligaments.
4a) What is the difference between a sprain and a strain?
b) How are these injuries graded in terms of severity?
5a) What does the suffix "itis" mean?
b) Explain what is meant by tendonitis.
6. Explain the difference between a separation and a dislocation.

Swoosh: Inside Nike

ISSUE: History behind Nike's beginning, major events and sweat shop controversy.

Video Clip

TEST MONDAY-SEctions 1 to 3

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Sliding Filament Theory Jigsaw

Reviewing Sections 1 to 3
Review Sheets

Skeletal Landmark Review PowerPoint

OUTLINE will be similar to

25 multiple choice
10 true false/correct the false
15 - 20 short answers
10 - 15 diagrams - planes/axis/skeleton/muscles

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sliding Filament Theory

At the end of today, you should know
1. the names of the "players" involved in the sliding filament theory.
ie actin, myosin, tropomyosin, troponin, ATP, Calcium
2. the order of events that takes place during a single cross-bridge cycle.
3. how to draw and label a sarcomere

Review Sarcomeres
Discuss Motor Units and all or none principle
Lesson on Sliding Filament theory

UNIT TEST THURSDAY - Sections 1 to 3

Friday, September 23, 2011

Section 3 Textbook Questions Friday

I'm absent for football.

Complete yesterday's online muscle review and email results.

Answer the following questions using your textbook.

Section 3 Text Questions

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Muscle Structure

Hand in Homework: Origins and Insertions

Note: Muscle Structure

Anatomy Arcade

Surprise Quiz

Online Muscle Review - you will be given a chance to email your results
upon completition of the review - You have 17 seconds to type the name of
the muscle and SPELLING COUNTS. You will not have time to use your textbook!!

Muscle Structure


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Origins, Insertions and Actions

Corrected Muscle Man Diagram
Discussed first "issue" ~ Louis Riel Soccer Team at OFSAA
Origins/Insertions and actions using

Cut and Paste Skeleton handed in

Monday, September 19, 2011

Skeletal Landmarks

Learning Outcome
- learn the location of skeletal landmarks on the skeleton
- be able to identify landmarks on a skeleton and picture

Completed Skeletal Landmark Assignemnt - due tomorrow

Cut'n Paste Skeleton - due Wednesday

Start Reading Section 3 Muscular System p. 32 - 37

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday - Work Time Skeletal Landmark Assignment

I'm away today for Football - NO Class Today.

Use this time to work on your skeletal landmark assignment
from yesterday.

Remember, numbers on the Bone Box Website can be clicked
to view the name of the landmark.

Next Week Muscular System - you can start to read pages 33 - 37 if you would
like to read ahead.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quiz and Skeletal Landmarks

Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize the different types of skeletal landmarks
2. Be able to locate and identify skeletal landmarks on the skeleton.

Quiz #2 Skeletal System - Online Quiz

Note: Skeletal Landmarks

Skeletal Landmark Assignment - using diagrams, textbook,
Mr. Bones and the Bone Box Website

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Skeletal System

PowerPoint Note - Skeletal System

Label Skull and Vertebral Column

Section 2 Mix and Match

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello Mr. Bones

Corrected Regions of the Body from homework

Introduced Mr. Bones and discussed Axial vs Appendicular Skeleton and reviewed
names of bones

Body's Key Bones Partner Exercise

Quiz on Friday - Skeletal System


Friday, September 9, 2011

Anatomical Movements and Quiz #1

Reviewed Movements from Ex 1.4
Completed Section 1 Mix n Match/Fill in the Blank
Quiz #1

Monday - I'm at a meeting

Watch Introduction to the Skeletal System

Complete Body Regions Worksheet using the internet
Complete exercise 2.3 and 2.4 (anterior skeleton)

All labelling is due on Tuesday

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Anatomical Movements

Corrected Homework
Reviewed Planes
Planes, Axes and Movements Video
PowerPoint Note on Axes and Movements
Homework --> use the text to label Ex. 1.4 and add additional movements
to your notes

QUIZ Tomorrow

Principles and Terminology

Wednesday Sept. 7th

Assigned pages 2 - 6 to read
PowerPoint - Anatomical Position, Directional Terms and Anatomical Planes
Homework: Colour Anatomical Model on the front and complete the questions of the back.

Be ready for a possible quiz on Friday

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome Back

Day One Activities

Course Outline
Textbook Issued
Textbook Scavenger Hunt
Sports Quiz (for fun not marks!)....WINNER - Matt Nelson

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